By ArKaos Team
on 02 Dec 2016 11:43 AM

Blog image MediaMaster 5 Subtitles and Lyric Player

Prior to MediaMaster 5, if you needed to display subtitles or synchronize lyrics with a singer, the text effects were not flexible enough. That task has been made easier in version 5, with a Subtitle and Lyric Player and a new folder of text effects specifically designed to display subtitles or song lyrics. The Text Library has been enhanced so that each 255 text slots can point to a text file (.txt) or a subtitle file (.srt). Get started and try it with the demo version, open the Text Library (Command or Ctrl T) and select a text or subtitle (.txt, .srt) file in one of the text slot. Make sure you switch to the Theater mode if it’s not already the case in the preferences:
By ArKaos Team
on 10 Oct 2016 3:54 PM

Activate dongle inside the Mediamaster Software

Here is a short guide explaining how to upgrade your License Dongle for MediaMaster 5.      Upgrading your license: As for any upgrade of MediaMaster, the first step is to apply your upgrade on your license in your ArKaos account at There are two cases:
By ArKaos Team
on 03 Jun 2014 9:38 AM
  • mediamaster

Blog Image How to use the new license system of MediaMaster 4 and 5

MediaMaster 4 comes with a new license system that is both more flexible and easy to use. In this blog we will guide you on: How to activate a license directly from MediaMaster 4 and 5 How to use a serial key to activate a machine without internet connection How to renew your license How to deactivate the software If you did receive an activation code either in the product box, by email or in your account on our website, you are ready to activate your product. How to activate a license directly from MediaMaster 4 and 5 Activation of MediaMaster 4 can be done directly in the software if you have an internet connection. When you first run the software you will be presented with the Software Activation dialog.
By ArKaos Team
on 03 Jun 2014 9:30 AM
  • mediamaster

Blog Image How to move a license to a dongle

With MediaMaster 5, you can move any license to a dongle. The big benefit is that your license will always be with you, you can plug and activate any machine (Mac or PC), and you will never need to connect to the internet anymore. This operation is irreversible, so please make sure you are more comfortable using a license dongle first. You will need: The license activation code An empty license dongle(*) MediaMaster running on a computer with an internet connection. Note: A dongle can be purchased through your local distributor or on our online shop.
By ArKaos Team
on 22 May 2014 3:08 PM
  • license
  • dongle
  • activation
  • backup
  • mediamaster

Blog image New licensing system in MediaMaster 4

As announced in Frankfurt last March, MediaMaster 4 introduces a completely redesigned licensing system. We listened to all your requests and went through the various situations that our users are encountering to provide a solution that is very flexible and even more user-friendly. With MediaMaster 4, users can easily activate a machine, either through the website or directly in the application, by entering an activation code. A license can then easily be deactivated from one machine and moved to another machine, an unlimited number of times. The new licensing system also provides two interesting options for offline scenarios where your machine or media server should not be connected to internet. Either a Serial Key (.aks) file can be downloaded from our website and copied to your offline machine, or otherwise we also propose now an optional license dongle, available as an option through your local distributor or in our online shop.
By ArKaos Team
on 08 Nov 2010 12:00 AM


MediaMaster Pro 2.2 makes it possible to warp the output per screen and adapt the soft edge on each side of an output, the video below will demonstrate this with a simple setup made with two beamers projecting visuals from an A10 Media Server on a curved screen. But of course it can handle much more complex setups depending on your graphics card. The settings can be modified in the “Geometric Correction” dialog which can be accessed via the “Geometric Correction” button near the soft edge span dimensions on the video tab of the preferences dialog.
By ArKaos Team
on 05 Aug 2010 12:00 AM
  • dmx
  • mac
  • mediamaster
  • quartz
  • tutorial


Since version 1.2, ArKaos MediaMaster supports Apple’s Quartz-Composer technology. Depending on its configuration, a Quartz composition can be either a Visual or an Effect in MediaMaster Pro. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to add your own Quartz-Composer Effects in MediaMaster. Remark: Check out the article “How to: Create audio-reactive effects for GrandVJ using Quartz-Composer” for more details about the creation of Quartz-Composer effects. You will also find lots of resources and how-to’s for Quartz Composer on the web or in the Reference Library from the Mac Dev Center.
By ArKaos Team
on 24 Jun 2010 12:00 AM
  • vj-dmx
  • mediamaster
  • how-to


ArKaos, like every other company, has defined its own culture during his evolution. We had the chance to start creating real time video software very early, which gave us the advantage to collect a large user base. Because we were amongst the first on the market we also saw the new generation coming and thus had the opportunity to help by providing it the needed tools. Basically, we understood that computers were replacing expansive hardware video players and that with so much more flexibility. We’ve also been very careful with pricing when releasing new software. Although ArKaos VJ had perfectly integrated DMX it was first built to be synchronized with MIDI and it’s original price of around 300$ was adapted to the music business.
By ArKaos Team
on 02 Apr 2010 12:00 AM
  • mediamaster
  • optimization
  • synchronization
  • troubleshooting
  • video


On the support, we sometimes have to answer questions about the latency between the live input and output on computers running MediaMaster. We know this a concern for most users but actually, there’s no straight answer since the amount of latency you will get will depend on a lot of different hardware and software parameters and therefore will vary depending on your own setup.
By ArKaos Team
on 15 Oct 2009 12:00 AM
  • grandvj
  • flash
  • actionscript


Note: This is also valid for MediaMaster and NuVJ A post by Guest Author VJ Ecin (Ben Guerrette), find more about him at the end of this article.. Here’s my second tutorial showing how to take advantage of the Flash capabilities within ArKaos GrandVJ. This one covers the creation of dynamic text visuals. I’ll go explain how to tap into the “statement” variable within Flash so you can create your own text based clips. I’ll also touch on the “duration” and “position” variables, which if used properly, allow playback speed adjustment of code based animations. We’ll be using some basic ActionScript 2.0 that’s a little more advanced than the previous tutorial.. Note that it will also work for NuVJ and MediaMaster since the variables are the same.